~ I was just a baby when I got married, a young and bright eyed 21 years old to my high school sweetheart whom I met when I was 16. By the time I turn 33, I'll have spent more of my life with him than without him and I couldn't be happier about that.
~ For my 16th birthday, my dad gave me a Harley Davidson motorcycle (just a little baby one). Just before I got it, I was listening to "Life is a Highway" by Tom Cochrane on the radio, how fitting. I took it for a test drive singing that song at the top of my lungs. I rode through the hay field (we lived in the sticks in Wisconsin) and then proceeded to completely wipe out on the road. I could barely lift it back up. I failed the test for my license and then just sort of lost interest. (I was an easily distracted teenager)
~ My very first job was at a restaurant/bar called the Ding-A-Ling (affectionately referred to as "The Ling") bussing tables.
~ I used to have a pet pig named Alberta. If you scratched her tummy, she's flop over on her side and kick her legs just like a dog.
~ I find Ho-Ho's to be the most wicked delicious treat there is. And if there wasn't that little issue of exponential weight gain, I'd price my portraits in boxes of Ho-Ho's rather than $$.
~ I attended UW-Madison right in the glory days of the Rose Bowl and never once went to a football game - shameful!
~ I admit it, I'm obsessed with Harry Potter; I have the books, the audio books and the movies. I love that little wizard. (But I don't dress up or anything like that; It's a quiet obsession. :-)
~ Shhh...don't tell...I let my boys pee on a tree if we're far from the bathroom and it drives my husband NUTS. I find it to be an excellent perk of having boys. Oh, c'mon, you know you do it too!
Okay, so now I have to tag 8 photographers. But since most of the photographers I know have already been tagged, I've come up with five.
Lidia Guerra
Michelle Walker
Lauri Baker
Anne Dillon
Susan Braswell
And I hate to post without pictures. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce a little beauty to you. This is Ruby and her wonderful big brother, Owen.

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