Thursday, September 27, 2007

Baby Mae-Mae

Just look at that fantastically bald head. My babies were bald for their entire first two years of life so I have a special place in my heart for those little fuzzy-topped baldies. (By the way, I tried and tried to turn the bold type off and it won't turn off, so, I guess I'm emphasizing EVERYTHING today.)

This is seven month old baby Mae. Usually I make a concerted effort NOT to pick what I think will be my favorites from the session for the blog post. But I really think these will be favorites. How could they not be?! I never know for sure until it's all done, but just look at that face!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

food for thought

I am back from my trip and working furiously to get all caught up.

I found some interesting articles. They are short and to the point, but an interesting little read. As a former Family Therapist, I am all about giving our children a healthy self-image.

Decorating with Family Photographs can help boost your child's self-confidence.

The power of using photographs in your child's room.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

sweet corinne

Before I tell you about this positively delightful little baby girl, I have to mention that I'll be out of town from Thursday until Sunday. I don't think I'll have access to email so if you need anything, just send an email and I'll return it on Monday, the 24th. I am headed for fun and sun with a whole pack of photographers. I'm so excited!

Now, on to the really important stuff...PICTURES! What can I even say about Miss Corinne. She was such a joy. She was so content and humored every whim we had for where we might like to put her. Without further ado....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

a quick business note

Just a note to let you know that I only have 3 sessions still available to guarantee holiday delivery. If you want to book a session, please call me or email asap. I hate to disappoint people, but there are only so many hours in the week.

Sorry that I don't have any pictures to share right now. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have the little sweat pea from yesterday ready for sharing (first I have to ask her mommy, though!).

And have a Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

another one grows up

I met Rogan about 10 short months ago. For us boring ol' grown-ups, 10 months goes by in the blink of an eye. I remember so much about that first session (picture on right) when he was just 8 months old like it was a few weeks ago. So imagine my surprise when I arrived on Rogan's doorstep today to find, not the fuzzy-haired adorable baby I had only just met, but a sweet little BOY; dancing, running, and maybe even getting into a little mischief.

The best part of my job is getting to watch our future grow up before my eyes; even if it is a little sad to see the baby days go. But don't worry Rogan, you'll always be Mommy and Daddy's baby.

Today...17 months.

Do you think this boy loves his Mama?!

Friday, September 14, 2007

look at those teeny-tiny pearly whites!

I just love the complete adorableness of those first two bottom teeth.

This is Christopher and Christopher is SOOOOOO big.

Me thinks that puppy is looking a little nervous about this particular set-up. (And Christopher is looking like he's checking out what he can get away with.)

Is it wrong that I was hoping he would do this sad little frowny face? I could tell it was coming because he wanted to get down from this little nook we had him in. And now, wasn't this adorable picture worth it all, Christopher? (I promise, he got lots of hugs and cuddles right after this scrumptious little pitiful face.)

Thanks for a great Wednesday morning, Christopher and Theresa!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A promise is a promise.

I introduced you to precious baby Ruby here. I promised her mommy that I would post a smiling picture on the blog if I was able to catch one. I didn't think I had when originally posted, but what do you know! There is was.

Here's that adorable toothless grin you know and love, Keeley!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

an adorable transplant

Beautiful Miss Harper is a California transplant. And Chicago is so lucky to have her! I hope her first Chicago winter doesn't scare her away!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I'm it!

No, I'm not making a proclamation about how fabulous I am. I've been tagged. A whole gaggle of photographers have been running around the web tagging each other. I've been tagged by the fabulous and delightful Gretchen Mathison. So now I have to tell you 8 random and/or incredibly fascinating facts about myself....

~ I was just a baby when I got married, a young and bright eyed 21 years old to my high school sweetheart whom I met when I was 16. By the time I turn 33, I'll have spent more of my life with him than without him and I couldn't be happier about that.

~ For my 16th birthday, my dad gave me a Harley Davidson motorcycle (just a little baby one). Just before I got it, I was listening to "Life is a Highway" by Tom Cochrane on the radio, how fitting. I took it for a test drive singing that song at the top of my lungs. I rode through the hay field (we lived in the sticks in Wisconsin) and then proceeded to completely wipe out on the road. I could barely lift it back up. I failed the test for my license and then just sort of lost interest. (I was an easily distracted teenager)

~ My very first job was at a restaurant/bar called the Ding-A-Ling (affectionately referred to as "The Ling") bussing tables.

~ I used to have a pet pig named Alberta. If you scratched her tummy, she's flop over on her side and kick her legs just like a dog.

~ I find Ho-Ho's to be the most wicked delicious treat there is. And if there wasn't that little issue of exponential weight gain, I'd price my portraits in boxes of Ho-Ho's rather than $$.

~ I attended UW-Madison right in the glory days of the Rose Bowl and never once went to a football game - shameful!

~ I admit it, I'm obsessed with Harry Potter; I have the books, the audio books and the movies. I love that little wizard. (But I don't dress up or anything like that; It's a quiet obsession. :-)

~ Shhh...don't tell...I let my boys pee on a tree if we're far from the bathroom and it drives my husband NUTS. I find it to be an excellent perk of having boys. Oh, c'mon, you know you do it too!

Okay, so now I have to tag 8 photographers. But since most of the photographers I know have already been tagged, I've come up with five.

Lidia Guerra
Michelle Walker
Lauri Baker
Anne Dillon
Susan Braswell

And I hate to post without pictures. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce a little beauty to you. This is Ruby and her wonderful big brother, Owen.

Monday, September 3, 2007

sawyer...4 months

Is he not the most scrumptious little hugga bunch you ever did see?!